Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Binder

Your Binder Will hold everything you will need to coupon. You will have to make your binder work for you.I have tried several systems and the binder has worked the best for me. I purchased a five star trapper keeper and Baseball card holders to Organize my coupons. When I set my binder up, I kept To themes. Breakfast foods all together, Juices and Kool aids together, frozen foods together and so on. I keep to Pencil pouches in the front of my binder One I keep empty , I use it to hold the coupons I will be using separate. The second One I use to hold my ECB from CVS.

This is my binder
Its pretty basic. You can find something like this at a yardsale for nothing !
This is my Pencil holder that holds my EB
Then just to give you a idea of the inside.
Pretty basic and simple to flip through while I shop . You have to find what works best for you and run with it. Once you get the binder made then the real fun begins !!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The new me.

I know I haven't blogged in a couple days and I promise to get this going. I made some Changes in my life that I really needed to focus on. I want to take my blog a bit off track today but I promise to get the coupon blog rolling. Watch for the Binder blog I plan to get together later this evening !!

Any-woo on with my post about changes in my life. I have been a smoker for 15 years, Yes 15 years !! That's half my life. I have always been one to make excuses why I cant stop smoking. well that was until 6 days ago. For about 2 weeks straight I would wake to a nagging cough, my chest Hurting and feeling heavy. I got to the point of not being able to run and play with the kids for being out of breath. I decided NO MORE.

So I decided on the day I would Quit, and the night before I enjoyed MY last few smokes before "cleaning" the house of everything Smoker related. Before going to bed I threw out all the cigarettes , lighters, ashtrays, matches you name it I tossed it. I bought lots of gum and candy to replace the things I tossed. so then the new me begin ...

Day one was easy , I stayed busy all day so I wouldn't have time to think about much less want one. I stopped and purchased the Nicotine Gum just in case . I used a piece later that night Just to calm a late night I'm bored outta my mind craving.

I did a lot of reading, and what I found to be true is the nicotine will be gone from your body is 72 hours IF you don't use it in any form. Which includes the patches and gum. So I tossed the Gum and started over on the cleanse of my body . By day 3 I was at my worse. I felt like I had the flu and really couldn't stand the thought of moving. I was so close to caving, then I remembered reading this was normal and it was my body trying to trick me into thinking I "need" it to feel better. SO I tuf it out. By the next morning the worse had passed. Now I simply deal with a craving 2 times a day. I deal with it by watching the clock. Sound weird ? Well this is why , A craving last for ONLY three minutes But in your mind that seems like hours. I watch the clock to remind myself If will end and it wont be long.

I never knew How bad I would feel from quiting. I always thought Id deal with insane cravings, almost like a crack head , LOL. But its really nothing like that. It hurts at times. I felt run down and sick. All because my body was cleaning itself of the poison I had inhaled for the past 15 years. Just think of the damage it has already done. Just think of the years I let be taken off my life. When all I had to do all this time was stop making excuses and jump right in .

Oh P.S. If you thinking of quiting , I will suggest 2 things that REALLY helped me the most. 1. Brush you teeth when you get a craving , I don't care if you brush 100 times in a day It helps. 2. Drink lots of water , drinking water helps flush your system and cuts the time in half in getting the nicotine from your blood stream.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hello out there ....

This is my first entry. I'm a little nervous, Its been forever since I wrote a blog. There really nothing much interesting in my life. I'm a simple small town girl , married to my best friend. He is currently deployed to Iraq. We have 5 children together .. Yea I know what your thinking. No we are not crazy. We are one BIG happy family and wouldn't change a thing about where life has taken us.

Tyler, our oldest is 8 years old. He is a godsend! He has really been my rock throughout this deployment. He is a very bright young man , and has had his share of struggles. He has a bit of a delay In his speech, which he has worked hard to overcome. He has seems to amaze me more and more everyday! He is still your typical 8 yr old boy. He tries to prove everyday how independent he is. oh and yes , He still thinks girls are gross.

Preston, our second born just turned 7. What Can I say about this one.. He is so much like his father sometimes its enough to make me climb walls. He is as hard headed as a mule. But I guess
that's also typical little boy behavior. Much like Tyler he is very independent. But his new found love would be the Wii. But yes... Girls are still gross or so he says ...

Nathan, our third born is 5. He is my girl crazy little boy. He seems to flirt all the time with that baby face of his. He enjoys the wii, but only boxing. He tries so hard to follow his older brothers. He recently had to get glasses and its brought out so much in him. I never realized how bad his eyesight was until he got his glasses. They have opened a whole new world for him !! He is adventurous and ready to explore his new found world !..

Kaylee, our fourth born and only girl is 3. She is wide open !! I mean really who ever said girls was easier than boys ? I will tell you this, whoever said that must not have had boys. She is a complete tomboy .. who would have thought a girl with 4 brothers would be a tomboy ? hmm...
She has a new passion for singing silly made up songs. She can bring a smile to my face even in my darkest hours.

Zach, Our fifth and last is 1 years old !! He is quit the little stinker. He still will not walk for me , I have even tried to bribe him with a cookie which ended with him laying in the floor screaming until I caved and gave it up. He loves to eat.. Pretty much all this kid thinks about all day. I can see my daddy in his face every time I look at him. Daddy would have spoiled that one rotten!!

Well there it is, this is us. I know wow how amazing,right?? Most of my blogs will be about me couping and saving money since that's my passion. I'm a coupon clipping fool, I love me some CVS !!!